MACHSTAR group is a commercial spin-off from the Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru. With decades of experience in the fields of gas dynamics and high speed aerodynamics, this group set out to use these concepts and develop novel engineering solutions in various fields of science and engineering. It is well known that except for a couple of medical applications the commercial potential of shock waves has not been exploited properly. Today, the group has extended the scope of shock wave applications to various fields such as biology, electronics, civil engineering, nanoscience, genetic engineering, biomedical engineering, veterinary, food processing etc.
MACHSTAR has also taken upon itself to educate the budding scientists and engineers to better equip them to carve out a bright tomorrow for all mankind. In order to achieve MACHSTAR has developed incredibly simple systems to produce and study the shock waves in the laboratory without any risks associated with the existing large scale systems. Two such inventions, namely, Reddy Tube and Reddy Tunnel have been successfully launched as table top hand operated Shock Tube and Hypersonic Shock Tunnel specifically tailored to carry out laboratory experiments on shock waves and hypersonic flows by the undergraduate as well as graduate level students. These two devices provide opportunity for students to carry out practical classes in the subjects of compressible flows, shock waves, supersonic and hypersonic flows including re-entry aerodynamics. Thus Reddy tube and Reddy Shock Tunnel have formed basis for elevating the Aeronautical Engineering degree to Aerospace Engineering degree.

To pioneer innovations using shockwave technology and extend its reach to all walks of life.
INNOVATE for a better tomorrow by realizing the true potential of shockwaves.
ENGINEER to cater to the industry and research challenges.
INSPIRE and educate budding engineers about shockwave technology.
MACHSTAR group has catered to a number of elite companies and research organisations around the world which have come up with special requirements. It is heartening to note the inclusion of our products in the syllabus of some of the well-known universities across India. In fact, the principles and working of the Reddy tube are being taught in many foreign universities as well. Other prestigious institutions in India like the IISc, NIMHANS and ISRO are using our products as research tools.
MACHSTAR is short for MACHines using Shockwave Technology And Research
Our logo depicts a very commonly known phenomena in aerospace engineering called Mach cone. Mach cone is the conical pressure wave front produced by a body moving at a speed greater than that of sound.